Many people, all around the world, are looking to embark on some kind of adventure in the next few days.
Some such adventures include travelling to the coast, interstate, overseas, visiting relatives, having work time off, partying, and - of course - taking part in religious activities. For many, it will be about the adventure of an Easter Egg Hunt, catching the Easter bunny & devouring as much chocolate as they can.
While I understand that everyone has different tastes, (excuse the pun), the problem, I have, is that I no longer find excitement in the bunny, nor the chocolate, nor the fish, nor the silliness of what most portray the reason for the season to be. Okay, so I still find a little excitement in having time off work to spend with my family. But ultimately, for me, the real reason to celebrate, lies in living a life that sanctifies this as a Holy week, set apart to commemorate Jesus Christ crucified…and risen AGAIN!
And I was only able to come to such a realisation after acknowledging that, while all of those other things provided momentary highs, after they were over, they left me feeling empty and wanting something more. I could only find genuine fulfillment when I agreed to go on a REAL adventure.
Jesus Christ crucified was a terrifying adventure. But His willingness to pay for all of humanity's freedom, deliverance and salvation provided an exciting road that leads to Life – and Life more abundantly. In John 3:16 we read; “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” It's by His precious blood that was shed on Calvary’s Cross that we can be delivered from all darkness. Jesus conquered the grave, defeated death, the devil, and his demons, so that we could embark on the adventure of a lifetime – for all eternity! This season marks the VICTORY by Jesus Christ so that we can all be victorious, overcomers in this world. This next week I will be commemorating my Saviour’s provision for His unmerited amazing Grace, His love for all humanity, Romans 5:8 “in that while we were yet still sinners, Christ died for us”. BUT He Rose Again!! And He lives forevermore! Thank you, GOD, for providing for us, for paying the price for our sins, so that we could receive forgiveness and be redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb. Because it is Your will that “non should perish, but all could receive everlasting life”, for all those who ask for forgiveness, can have the adventure of their lives – and still be safe...
This is the perfect season for a new adventure: Open your heart and allow the love of God to come into your heart. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.” Revelation 3:20. I dare you to honestly examine yourself. I challenge you to confess ALL of your unrighteousness. I implore you to let Him cleanse you from within; to turn from the road of destruction and give Jesus Christ His rightful place in your heart. It is written that, “if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” 1John 1:9 . He paid the price so that we all can be justified – “just-as-if” we had never sinned, in the first place – and be born again, and be safe, sheltering in His hands, while experiencing the greatest adventure of all time! And be given the gift of eternal life. And make heaven our home. Come on, I dare you: Will you admit to Him your wrong doings? Will you turn away from your sin? Will you accept Jesus into your heart as Lord and Saviour? What road do you want to follow? The road to Heaven or the road to Hell? In Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the gist of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord”. This season, are you willing to discover a valid reason to celebrate? Our Lord Jesus waits for you! Go ahead…ask Him...Give Jesus the commemoration He deserves. He loves you and me… In John 3:16 we read; “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, His unfailing love shall never be shaken…” He is Love, everlasting. He is righteousness, peace and joy, for all eternity. Why wouldn’t you want to receive all He is and all He has for you? He “owns the cattle on a thousand hills”. He promises that, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has entered into the hearts of Man the things that God has prepared for those who love Him”; that “from everlasting to everlasting, [He] is God”; “the Alpha and Omega; the beginning and the end”; “the Author and Finisher” of ALL life - including yours! It’s time for a brand, new adventure. I promise you it will be the adventure of a lifetime! His call for people; Jesus said. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.” Revelation 3:20 2 Corinthians 6:2:“Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” The Lord Jesus Christ, invites you & I to turn away from all unrighteousness, away from incorrectly celebrating the season. He invites us to confess Him as saviour & Lord. To ask Him in to our hearts, to cleansed us from within. He is the reason for the season.! – and there is no other name by which anyone can enter into the kingdom of heaven But by His name JESUS. Turn to Him this season and experience His never ending love (Agape – Love). Make this Easter a meaningful time to truly celebrate in His love, His mercy and His Grace. Ponder on this message and consider the following prayer:
Dear God, I know that I am a sinner. I want to turn from my sins, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ is Your son. I believe HE died for my sins and that You raised Him to life. I want Him to come into my heart and to take control of my life. I want to trust Jesus as my Saviour and follow Him as my Lord from this day forward. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Today Australia celebrates Fathers Day!
And so I ask you all, to think; Who's Your Daddy?
How do you view your Daddy?
Personally, I grew up without one.
However, I was surrounded by a loving Mother & Older Sister whom
were there for me. Nowadays, I rejoice in the support. kindness,
mercy, grace and love of the God Almighty - whom I serve.
To me He is a father to the fatherless;
The everlasting father;
The precious prince of peace;
My refuge and my strength;
He is my Hope, my Faith;
He is my redeemer;
He is my breath of life;
He is my saviour
to me He is the GREAT I AM!.
and He is above ALL.
the Lord of Lord
King of King.
So, as I celebrate this worldly
father's day. How more fitting
it is to thank & glorify my creator - God
ABBA - (Daddy) - Father
Rick Chacon
Bible Book | Who God is | ||
Old Testament | |||
1 | Genesis | The Creator God | Jesus is our Creator |
2 | Exodus | Redeemer | He is the Passover Lamb |
3 | Leviticus | Sanctification | High Priest |
4 | Numbers | Guide | Numbers – Water in the desert |
5 | Deuteronomy | Teacher | He is our Eagles wings of deliverance |
6 | Joshua | Mighty Conqueror | Commander of the army of the Lord |
7 | Judges | Gives us victory over our enemies | He is the Lord of Peace |
8 | Ruth | Kinsman, Lover, Redeemer | He is our Redeemer |
9 | 1 Samuel | Root of Jesse | He is the Prophet, Priest and King |
10 | 2 Samuel | Son of David | Rock of Salvation |
11-12 | 1 & 2 Kings | King of kings and Lord of lords | Builder of a temple that will never fall He is the reigning King |
13-14 | 1 & 2 Chronicles | Intercessor and High Priest | Son of David that is coming to rule the King who reigns eternally |
15 | Ezra | Our Temple, our House of Worship | Priest proclaiming freedom |
16 | Nehemiah | Protector from our enemies, Mighty Wall | the One who restores what is broken |
17 | Esther | Deliverer | Protector of his people |
18 | Job | Our Arbitrator - understands our struggles and has the power to help us | Mediator between God and man |
19 | Psalms | Our Song and our reason to sing | He is our song in the morning and in the night |
20 | Proverbs | Our Wisdom | our Wisdom and Strong Tower! |
21 | Ecclesiastes | Our Purpose, delivering us from vanity | our meaning for life |
22 | Song of Solomon | Rose of Sharon and our lover | Author of faithful love |
23 | Isaiah | Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace | He is our Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace |
24 | Jeremiah | Balm of Gilead, the soothing salve for our sin-sick soul | the weeping Messiah |
25 | Lamentations | Ever-Faithful | He assumes God’s wrath for us |
26 | Ezekiel | God is Moving, He is the Breath of Life | Son of Man |
27 | Daniel | Ancient of Days | He is the Son of God with us in the fiery furnace |
28 | Hosea | Faithful even when we abandon Him | Faithful husband even when we run away |
29 | Joel | Our Refuge | He is the baptizer of the Holy Spirit |
30 | Amos | Our Husbandman, who stays by our side | delivers justice to the oppressed |
31 | Obadiah | Lord of the Kingdom | He is Mighty to Save |
32 | Jonah | Our Salvation, bringing us back into His will | The great missionary |
33 | Micah | Judge of the nation | He casts our sin into the sea of forgetfulness |
34 | Nahum | Jealous for us | He proclaims future world peace |
35 | Habakkuk | Holy One | He crushes injustice |
36 | Zephaniah | The Witness | He’s the Warrior who saves |
37 | Haggai | Our overthrower | He restores our worship |
38 | Zechariah | Lord of hosts | He is Lord and King over all the earth |
39 | Malachi | Messenger of the Covenant | Sun of righteousness who brings healing |
New Testament | |||
1 | Matthew | King of the Jews | The Messiah who is King |
2 | Mark | Servant | The Messiah who is a Servant |
3 | Luke | Son of Man (feels what we feel) | The Messiah who is a Deliverer |
4 | John | Son of God | The Messiah who is a God in the flesh |
5 | Acts | Saviour of the World | The Spirit who dwells in His people |
6 | Romans | God’s Righteousness | The Power of God unto salvation |
7 | 1 Corinthians | The Rock | He is our conqueror over death; Our resurrection! |
8 | 2 Corinthians | Triumphant One | He is the down payment of what’s to come |
9 | Galatians | Our Liberty | He is our inheritance |
10 | Ephesians | Head of the Church | He is our peace at the right hand of the Father |
11 | Philippians | Our Joy | He is the God that supplies all our needs |
12 | Colossians | Our Completeness | He holds the supreme position in all things |
13 | 1 Thessalonians | Our Hope | He is our comfort in the last days |
14 | 2 Thessalonians | Our Glory | He is our returning King |
15 | 1 Timothy | Our Faith | He is our Crown of Righteousness |
16 | 2 Timothy | Our Stability | He is Christ our Helper |
17 | Titus | Our Saviour | He is our Hope |
18 | Philemon | Our Benefactor | He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother |
19 | Hebrews | Our Perfection | He is our High Priest |
20 | James | The Power behind our Faith | He is the Great Physician |
21 | 1 Peter | Our Example | He is our hope in times of suffering |
22 | 2 Peter | Our Purity | He is the restorer of all things |
23 | 1 John | Our Life | He is our Love and Light |
24 | 2 John | Our Pattern | He is Christ come in the flesh |
25 | 3 John | Our Motivation | He is our prosperity, health and peace |
26 | Jude | The Foundation of our Faith | Jesus is the Lord coming with 10,000 of his believers |
27 | Revelation | The Coming King | Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, |
"In all the world there is nobody like you. Since the beginning of time, there has never been another person like you. Nobody has your smile, your eyes, your hands, your hair. Nobody owns your voice, your handwriting, your unique way of communicating with others." -
You're Special.
Nobody can paint like you. Nobody has your taste for food, music, dance or art. Nobody in the world sees things as you do. In all time, there has never been anyone who laughs in exactly your way, and what makes you laugh or cry or think may have a totally different response in another.
So-You're Special.
You're different from any either person who has ever lived in the history of the world. You are the only one in the whole world who has your particular set of abilities.
There is always someone who is better at one thing or another. Every person is your superior in at least one way. But nobody in this world can reach the quality of the combination of your talents, your feelings. Through all eternity, no one will ever love, walk, talk, think or act exactly like you.
You're rare, and in all rarity there is enormous value. You're Special, and it is no accident you are. Please realize the God of heaven and earth made you for a special purpose.
The God of light and love has a job for you to do
that nobody else can do as well as you can.
Out of the billions of applicants, only one is qualified. Only one has the unique and right combination of what it takes-and that one is you.