
My name is Ricardo Chacon. Most people call me Rick.

After years of training and a hands-on- approach to discipleship, evangelism, and church planting, including involvement in prison ministry in the state of Victoria, Bible school with Vision International USA, and graduating from ISOM, International School of Ministry, I have had the privilege to establish and manage an evangelical ministry.

This ministry is The Golden Shofar, Evangelical Ministry Australia. The Lord has made it possible for me to reach out and minister to thousands in the nations of India & Nepal. I have had the privilege of training hundreds of pastors in India with some becoming ministry ambassadors. Together, we have reached India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Hence our motto: Discipleship movement without Borders.

As a bi-vocational minister, a middle management professional in the Building & Construction Industry in Australia, and a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, my secular work enables me to provide and support my family's needs, as well as cover the cost of running and managing an international ministry. I am so very grateful to the Lord for His provision that has enabled me to financially support the disadvantaged, which has included developing and writing a Bible-based discipleship program, 7HEAVEN Discipleship Blueprint, and having it translated into 7 different languages, providing clothes for the needy, Bibles to new believers, food to the hungry, praying for the sick to receive healing, provide foundational teachings to independent churches in India and Nepal in particular in hard-to-reach villages and towns, supporting orphanages, and providing the opportunity for churches to receive the benefits of hosting international preachers and missionaries.

I have been working with local, independent Christian churches in India, and Nepal & providing support to equip, train, and disciple believers so that they, too, can take the Good News to their people. In the fulfillment of the great commission and the "doing" of the word of God, I am seeking your much-needed support, to continue bringing the gospel message of salvation to the nations: hope to the hopeless, freedom to the captive, support to the orphans and widows, and to provide education as a means to break the poverty cycle.

Where does your support go:

  • Humanitarian Aid
  • Educational Programs
  • Equipping the church
  • Evangelism Discipleship

In March 2024 I visited a place where the Lord has opened a door to Christianity: Nepal. Due to the immediate missionary needs, I am seeking funds to cover the cost of $50,000.00

The funds raised are to be allocated for the purchase and distribution of 700 Bibles in the native language of Nepali, 1 motor vehicle for ministry works suitable for city and rural use. (This has a very high cost due to the Nepali government imposing a 225% tax on all vehicles purchased/registered in Nepal). Resources, teaching materials for 200 children and 200 Youths, and 1 industrial generator to power the church, and provide ongoing community aid and support to the local communities.

I believe in and seek the support of, caring, compassionate people like yourself, who are willing to provide immediate support.

100% of donations are applied directly to the mission field.

I encourage you to pray about this request in the hope that you will join me to help continue the vital work in these nations.

You can also read about the Praise Reports, and our Missions, on this website:https://thegoldenshofar.com/

The Lord bless you abundantly!

the Gold Shofar
the Gold Shofar

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